workshop moderation: participative meetings designed and facilitated for reaching the targeted results.
When you have an important meeting where the expectations are high, the outcomes are important or you want to empower participation, having a professional facilitator to moderate might be a better decision.
Facilitating means “making it easy“ or “easing a process.“ A group process is involved in the facilitation and this is the approach used to manage discussions, get the best from all members and bring the event through to a successful conclusion.
The key responsibility of a facilitator is to create an environment in which the group dynamics can flourish and help the group reach a successful decision, solution or conclusion.
A facilitator plans, guides and manages a session to ensure that the group’s objectives are met effectively, with clear thinking, good participation and full buy – in from everyone is involved. Facilitation empowers collective thinking, which is an enriching process that affects the content, the quality and the outcome of the meetings tremendously.
7. Oktober 2017